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H3SW - Archives

Heroes III: The Succession Wars

Old content !! Some are still up to date, but most of the content is outdated.
For nostalgia purpose only.



Presentation of H3SW - Early beta

    How to install: (for long version, see here)
  1. Install SoD (Shadow of Death) or H3 Complete
  2. Install ERA
  3. Download H3SW Early beta
  4. In \Mods unzip 1 H2 Succession Wars (do not rename it)
  5. In \Tools\Mod Manager open modsmann.exe and keep in Enabled list:
    1°: 1 H2 Succession Wars,
    2°: In the Wake of Gods
  6. h3era.exe ; New game, Single player, Options button: in Custom Scripts make sure Necessary Succession Wars Mod Script is checked.
  7. Get Morale and XP!

  8. Heretic castle is bugged, don't pick it! (Disabled for computers)
by GodRage, on 2017/04/27

Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Succession Wars v0.8 Official Trailer

Official Screenshots beta 0.8

beta ver.